Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesdays Twitterpations

Tuesday, my energy day. Much was accomplished both at work and at home today. I've a new-found venue in Twitter for the trappings of my thoughts which must never to be under-estimated. While not always normal, my thoughts are mine alone and on occasion, I do find brilliance. Okay, perhaps only simple-minded ramblings but please don't let out my secret.

I've just finished a grant request for my organization (my day job is raising money for a veterans service organization) If any of you care to make a contribution to a very deserving non-profit - please contact http://www.pva.org/ or if you are a corporation or foundation interested in knowing more about sponsorship, please contact me at ginnys@pva.org. We are also Twitterpated at this time (PVA1946) There are many ways your donation makes a difference and once you have witnessed our website first-hand, you will see that there is much that PVA does to make the lives of spinal-cord-injured veterans better but the general disabled community also benefits. And PVA is a 501 (c) 3 and your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of current law.

I would ask that you give as much as you can to PVA as the spirit moves you. The best advice I can offer is that you should never give blindly but be educated about how your evaluations of a charity are comprised as well as the organization offering critique. PVA is a member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and that membership is not given lightly. I know the passion behind the organization first-hand as as well as the tremendous need to give back to our veterans for what they have given of themselves. As cliche as it is to repeat this - we would not enjoy the freedoms we have as Americans if it were not for the sacrifices of our veterans. Be sure to thank a veteran in your midst. Never miss an opportunity to say thank you for it is in ignoring the obvious that we lose sight of our future.

And give. Even a $5.00 donation makes a difference. Give up your latte for a day. It is fairly painless.

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