Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday's Trappings

Literally, trapped in DC - unable to move in traffic that cannot seem to move an inch an hour. Apparenty there is a traffic light outage. Not sure where the problem lies but I am very unhappy as I had a class tonight that I was very much looking forward to...on financial health (an oxymoron right now, me thinks). I made the very wise decision to park my car and head back to the office since I had not made headway in an hour.

Wow, haven't had time to write for several days now - much going on and little time for keeping up a blog. While very therapeutic and terribly fun, certainly not high on the list when time is short. I spent the weekend in Charlottesville with two of my three children and enjoyed myself very much. I believe I could easily live there; my son says he doesn't think so. I certainly disagree. College towns have always held enormous appeal for me and this one has much going for it beyond that. I don't require much money to be happy - although it would be nice to try it sometime. Kidding of course. I have enough of everything - and then some. I'll admit that sometimes the month is longer than the money but it makes me appreciate things all the more.
And what is most important I have in abundance. I remain grateful to God for providing me with all I need.

I am working on finding a venue for an event my son-in-law is involved with - this non-profit will host 4000 people at an outdoor fling. See the attached link for photos from last year's event:

If anyone knows of an outdoor venue that will allow a crowd of people serving crazy amounts of wonderful food and alcohol, please contact me with any and all suggestions. The event, Feria De Abril is a wonderful way to spend a day. Will keep you posted.

Today would have been my paternal grandmother's birthday - she would have been 119 had she lived to see this day...as it was she lived to be 92. And it is also the birthday of an old boyfriend...Russ what's his name (I know it, I just don't want to say). He would be, ahhh....let's see, somewhere in his mid-life, I fear. If I told you, you'd know my age. A lady never gives out that kind of information - at least one who has convinced herself that she looks younger than she is...there is a method to my madness - usually. In this case, I digress.

Projects? Just finished - a stair rail! Yes, you do detect a bit of cheer in that statement as I have lived in my current place going on two years without a railing to catch me should I fall. And I must say, it turned out to be a beautiful addition to my place. There is also sweet justice in this one. You see, I did not need a previous partner to get this done - I've proven him wrong - again! The next project on the horizon will be built-in bookshelves that will host an array of books and lovelies that I have collected over the years. So now, in just a few months, we have managed to paint the interior of my place, build a stair rail and now look forward to the very lovely and functional bookcase that I've always wanted. My dear friend Jonas has been the mainstay of all of this and I have him to thank. When he puts his mind to a project, he doesn't give up. I wish the rest of the world were like Jonas. You know who you are....

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