Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Minutia

Mondays have never been my favorite but being the necessary evil they are sends me to the gratitude column for extra credit...yes, being grateful keeps me grounded and allows my best to shine through the mud and the muck. Usually, that is...

With the sun on vacation the past weekend, energy for necessary chores was low but lively reaction evolved at the thought of being on my own for the afternoon in quaint Occoquan, Virginia. When I want a peaceful few hours by myself, I head there as store owners have been around forever and I've developed a relationship with several of them over the years so it is like going home in a way. I can escape to somewhere else, drifting back to reality when my discretionary money is depleted. Doesn't take long but I have an amazing ability to stretch my time into an afternoon of "the hunt".

I actually went searching for something with Easter written on it...and was not disappointed! One of my favorite places in Occoquan is "Personally Your's" and they always have a nice selection of charming and emotion-provoking gifts that speak to me. I found a wonderful bunny resembling Peter Rabbit sans clothing and a sweet hand-made chair on which to place him. No one will likely see him but me, but his presence evokes memories of when my children were small and life was simpler (meaning I spent many hours reading and playing with them) instead of worrying about rotting wood and electric bills as I do sometimes have to do now. Never once did I not appreciate that time in my life that I was fortunate to have and I believe on a subconscious level I knew it would not last forever (even in the midst of occassionaly whining about not having adults to talk to) - nonetheless, reminders of that time are always welcome and do invite a bit of nostalgia. The child in me has always enjoyed a bit of whimsy albeit in an Easter rabbit or a whacky statue.

I am working currently to update my place - colors are trendy and mine are always a work-in-progress. I re-arrange furniture, update lamps, buy new art in order to not appear too stale. I always want to be considered hip and with-it...keeping up on trends without going bonkers is a good way to accomplish this task. Like a new hairstyle, a lamp can change a room. We all have our fetishes and mine has been purses and lamps. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you there is an abundance of both in my possession at any given time. I believe that they offer, in their respective categories, a quick and easy way to lift a look and be current. With money tight, the wise consumer knows how and where to spend money. This will never fail you.

Yes, I'm hip.

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