Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday's Trappings

Literally, trapped in DC - unable to move in traffic that cannot seem to move an inch an hour. Apparenty there is a traffic light outage. Not sure where the problem lies but I am very unhappy as I had a class tonight that I was very much looking forward to...on financial health (an oxymoron right now, me thinks). I made the very wise decision to park my car and head back to the office since I had not made headway in an hour.

Wow, haven't had time to write for several days now - much going on and little time for keeping up a blog. While very therapeutic and terribly fun, certainly not high on the list when time is short. I spent the weekend in Charlottesville with two of my three children and enjoyed myself very much. I believe I could easily live there; my son says he doesn't think so. I certainly disagree. College towns have always held enormous appeal for me and this one has much going for it beyond that. I don't require much money to be happy - although it would be nice to try it sometime. Kidding of course. I have enough of everything - and then some. I'll admit that sometimes the month is longer than the money but it makes me appreciate things all the more.
And what is most important I have in abundance. I remain grateful to God for providing me with all I need.

I am working on finding a venue for an event my son-in-law is involved with - this non-profit will host 4000 people at an outdoor fling. See the attached link for photos from last year's event:

If anyone knows of an outdoor venue that will allow a crowd of people serving crazy amounts of wonderful food and alcohol, please contact me with any and all suggestions. The event, Feria De Abril is a wonderful way to spend a day. Will keep you posted.

Today would have been my paternal grandmother's birthday - she would have been 119 had she lived to see this day...as it was she lived to be 92. And it is also the birthday of an old boyfriend...Russ what's his name (I know it, I just don't want to say). He would be, ahhh....let's see, somewhere in his mid-life, I fear. If I told you, you'd know my age. A lady never gives out that kind of information - at least one who has convinced herself that she looks younger than she is...there is a method to my madness - usually. In this case, I digress.

Projects? Just finished - a stair rail! Yes, you do detect a bit of cheer in that statement as I have lived in my current place going on two years without a railing to catch me should I fall. And I must say, it turned out to be a beautiful addition to my place. There is also sweet justice in this one. You see, I did not need a previous partner to get this done - I've proven him wrong - again! The next project on the horizon will be built-in bookshelves that will host an array of books and lovelies that I have collected over the years. So now, in just a few months, we have managed to paint the interior of my place, build a stair rail and now look forward to the very lovely and functional bookcase that I've always wanted. My dear friend Jonas has been the mainstay of all of this and I have him to thank. When he puts his mind to a project, he doesn't give up. I wish the rest of the world were like Jonas. You know who you are....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday's Thistles

Thursday Thistles

Last night started out just fine – I was on time to meet a friend for drinks and while I normally do not take the Metro into work, I did so out of necessity as I attended the event at the Pentagon in the morning and parking is out of the question. Things took a downturn when I being engrossed in a call with my daughter I hopped out a station too early at about the same time I realized my phone was about to die.

Finally reaching the end of the line, I realized that my change in routine that morning and the fact that the weather was unusually beautiful when I left my office cause two spiraling events to occur. First, rushing to catch the metro train that morning I placed my keys in my coat pocket. Secondly, I deliberately left my coat at work because I didn’t want to carry it on Metro and the weather was warm. All at once I realized I had no keys and the only phone number I had for the person I was meeting was in my phone. And my phone was dead.

This was not turning out to be the evening I thought. The plan had been to get home early enough to shower, change, let the dog out and head for the restaurant with at least five minutes to collect myself, my thoughts and make a nice entrance. Instead now I had no way of getting anywhere - anytime soon anyway.

Alas, remembering that I have my phone charger in the car only I could find myself in this predicament with the solution being one of breaking into my car without breaking anything. The back window comes down on its own with pressure. I know this and now any thief reading my blog will also know it. But my single goal at that moment was to reach this guy before he headed out so as not to inconvenience him. What I had not remembered is that when you open the door to my car without the correct clicker-thingy that was used to set the lock in the first place, the alarm sounds. And sounds and continues to sound. The one good thing is he knew I was not lying when I told him my this shouldn’t be happening story. The alarm in the background was my witness…

One thing down, now the next step was seeing about getting someone to pick me up and find a locksmith to assist. Most normal folks have extra keys with pertinent people who might be in a position to help them. My people have changed over the past several months (a completely OTHER story) and the two people who remain with a key is my daughter 200 miles away at law school and my long-ago fired dog walker who never returned my key. My daughter who is local did not have one although she made a gallant yet unsuccessful effort to get into my office to retrieve my keys for me - she gets kudos for effort. I will have to soul search to determine if the reason she has no key is because I have little faith that she won’t loose her keys, and ultimately mine included.

Onto the next step….reaching my good and very dependable friend Jonas whom I knew would pick me up from Metro and at least be a calming influence because little rattles his cage. And he has patience and the ability to be quite resourceful in a time of need. In my own mind, this certainly was that time. I then called information from my still alarm-sounding car to get a number for a 24-hour emergency locksmith, cringing at the thought of what it was going to cost me. I’d rather spend the money on almost anything else. Yes, they could send someone to meet me at 8:45. And it would be $39 for the trip charge and $15 and up for the rest. Great, an open-ended charge…my fate determined by the driver.

At 8:45, Jonas and I were sitting in his car in front of my place waiting patiently (Jonas was anyway) for this guy to show. At 9:05 I called and found out he was still on his way). His entrance came about 5 minutes later. He does not ask for identification until I remind him that he should be…no laughter – he’s not finding my humor to his liking. He then asks for a signature guaranteeing I will pay the trip charge and the additional $139. I make a stab at trying to get the price down since I found it hard to believe that I went from $15 to $139 and he hadn’t even opened his tool kit as yet. I decide that I have no choice. It is now almost 9:30 and my poor dog has not gone out as yet. (There are times when her lack of potty skills do come in handy).

He picks and he picks at my lock (Jonas makes a joke about the fact that he wouldn’t make a very good thief) and declares it impossible thus stateing that he will now have to drill it open. Jonas quickly picks up on the fact that this means I will need a new lock. I inquire about the cost. Of course he’s not sure. I have had enough of this guy by now and believe that he is picking prices out of the air. After telling him, never mind – we’ll break a window instead and suddenly he is willing to include the lock in his price which was along the lines of what I was thinking when I told him that I’ll just pay the trip charge. I figured he’d somehow find a way to make it work….instead of losing the money.

As soon as he was out of there, Jonas and I go around back to break a window. Jonas told me it would be an easy fix and he could rig it so it was safe overnight. We quickly find out it appears to be shatterproof glass. I look at Jonas, he looks at me and we just shrug. I tell him at this point that there may be an opportunity to get in through one of the upstairs windows that I was 95% certain was not locked. Jonas in his ever-patient way says it will be no problem, he’ll go change from the car to the truck and get the ladder. He did and I climbed through the bedroom window, found my keys and we were off to get my car from the Metro. By this time it is 10:30. At least my dog is now with me…and has had a chance to go out. In the back of my mind I am wondering if only a car key is enough to get the car home since I used that clicker-thingy to lock it…hence the alarm. I wonder if a key is enough. And the spare clicker-thingy is long since lost on the parkway by the daughter who loses keys. See I told you.

Long story about to end…the key caused the alarm to once again sound and the car would not move. Cheers be to Saturn who may not have made the best car in the world…at least it can’t be easily stolen by me. A thieving mind may have been able to figure out a way….

Oh happy day…

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday's Warblings

An early riser today, needing to be at the Pentagon for a private screening of ...are you ready...a new Sesame Street compilation about veterans returning home injured and the impact it has on the families. It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking to see the young children and what their thoughts were during this transitional time in their lives. Sesame Street has done a marvelous job of capturing the true-life stories of several families who were in the audience today. What tremendous strength it has taken for these families to thrive under circumstances they didn't choose. After yesterday's post, I was able to take my own advice and "thank a veteran".

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Shinseki was present and the key note speaker this morning...I finally had the opportunity to meet him. What a delightfully warm and intelligent gentleman. And after it was over finding my way back to the entrance was no easy feat. What a maze of space they have over there! It is very impressive, I must say. The final moment that tugged at my emotions was in reaching the security area where there are two enormous quilts commemorating September 11th...one has photos of every person who died that day. Something came over me as I stared at that quilt. It is done in such a way as to look like the American Flag.

I was fortunate enough to have had a wonderful conference call with a mentor from the non-profit world who shared with me today some of his insights and successes. Having met him at the sponsorship conference I attended in Chicago last week, I very much feel I have found a new friend. His organization has a sponsorship model that really is remarkable and I know I can learn a great deal from him.

Heading home on Metro - yuck. To say that I am not a proponet of Metro is an understatement. Perhaps it was the 80 degree heat they had going. I thought I was going to die.

Twitterings all.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesdays Twitterpations

Tuesday, my energy day. Much was accomplished both at work and at home today. I've a new-found venue in Twitter for the trappings of my thoughts which must never to be under-estimated. While not always normal, my thoughts are mine alone and on occasion, I do find brilliance. Okay, perhaps only simple-minded ramblings but please don't let out my secret.

I've just finished a grant request for my organization (my day job is raising money for a veterans service organization) If any of you care to make a contribution to a very deserving non-profit - please contact http://www.pva.org/ or if you are a corporation or foundation interested in knowing more about sponsorship, please contact me at ginnys@pva.org. We are also Twitterpated at this time (PVA1946) There are many ways your donation makes a difference and once you have witnessed our website first-hand, you will see that there is much that PVA does to make the lives of spinal-cord-injured veterans better but the general disabled community also benefits. And PVA is a 501 (c) 3 and your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of current law.

I would ask that you give as much as you can to PVA as the spirit moves you. The best advice I can offer is that you should never give blindly but be educated about how your evaluations of a charity are comprised as well as the organization offering critique. PVA is a member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and that membership is not given lightly. I know the passion behind the organization first-hand as as well as the tremendous need to give back to our veterans for what they have given of themselves. As cliche as it is to repeat this - we would not enjoy the freedoms we have as Americans if it were not for the sacrifices of our veterans. Be sure to thank a veteran in your midst. Never miss an opportunity to say thank you for it is in ignoring the obvious that we lose sight of our future.

And give. Even a $5.00 donation makes a difference. Give up your latte for a day. It is fairly painless.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Minutia

Mondays have never been my favorite but being the necessary evil they are sends me to the gratitude column for extra credit...yes, being grateful keeps me grounded and allows my best to shine through the mud and the muck. Usually, that is...

With the sun on vacation the past weekend, energy for necessary chores was low but lively reaction evolved at the thought of being on my own for the afternoon in quaint Occoquan, Virginia. When I want a peaceful few hours by myself, I head there as store owners have been around forever and I've developed a relationship with several of them over the years so it is like going home in a way. I can escape to somewhere else, drifting back to reality when my discretionary money is depleted. Doesn't take long but I have an amazing ability to stretch my time into an afternoon of "the hunt".

I actually went searching for something with Easter written on it...and was not disappointed! One of my favorite places in Occoquan is "Personally Your's" and they always have a nice selection of charming and emotion-provoking gifts that speak to me. I found a wonderful bunny resembling Peter Rabbit sans clothing and a sweet hand-made chair on which to place him. No one will likely see him but me, but his presence evokes memories of when my children were small and life was simpler (meaning I spent many hours reading and playing with them) instead of worrying about rotting wood and electric bills as I do sometimes have to do now. Never once did I not appreciate that time in my life that I was fortunate to have and I believe on a subconscious level I knew it would not last forever (even in the midst of occassionaly whining about not having adults to talk to) - nonetheless, reminders of that time are always welcome and do invite a bit of nostalgia. The child in me has always enjoyed a bit of whimsy albeit in an Easter rabbit or a whacky statue.

I am working currently to update my place - colors are trendy and mine are always a work-in-progress. I re-arrange furniture, update lamps, buy new art in order to not appear too stale. I always want to be considered hip and with-it...keeping up on trends without going bonkers is a good way to accomplish this task. Like a new hairstyle, a lamp can change a room. We all have our fetishes and mine has been purses and lamps. Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you there is an abundance of both in my possession at any given time. I believe that they offer, in their respective categories, a quick and easy way to lift a look and be current. With money tight, the wise consumer knows how and where to spend money. This will never fail you.

Yes, I'm hip.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Night Lights...

After traveling far too much this month, I find myself looking forward to a quiet night alone with Charlotte, my funny and charming dachsund and Elliotte, my gorgeous long-haired scottish fold cat who looks far more like a persion than a fold but that is another story.

I've been to Spokane and Chicago this month totalling 12 days all together and winter flights are certainly tentative at best; being stuck with Mother Nature's desires over mine I found myself wondering where I'd land in the midst of snow storms in Minneapolis and ice and fog in Chicago.
Ah...simply more time to contemplate the next best place to go and where my next client will find me. Have I told you lately that I'm thrilled to have found this site?

This is my virgin entry on what I hope will be a synergy of sorts and the beginning of a long and winding road down the path of I'm not sure what...but that's the fun, isn't it? Right now I'm trying my best to become the person I've always wanted to be and if the truth be told, it's a slow work in the making. But wisdom runs deep, having many life experiences under my belt at this time in my life so I know without a doubt, I've much to offer whatever challenge comes my way.

Now, Charlotte is waiting for her dinner. I am not waiting for the rest of my life to begin...it has. And it is spectacular!