Monday, July 26, 2010

It's all in the ATTITUDE....

Beyond for me is never dull.  Maybe never fully realized either but then the work-in-progress of my journey called life is ever-changing and probably not interesting to anyone but me.  But my ego is just developed enough to believe that someone, somewhere will perchance to happen upon this blog and decide that a book is in my future.  Dreamer you say?  Why you would be correct.

But do I want it to be?  Do I have enough to share that is worthy of print?  Probably not unless I'm dead and you're feeling nostalgic over something we may have shared together.  So many interesting people have touched my life that I continue to delight in the reality that I never know who will show up on my favorite list and that mysterious mist (or more to the point, fog) is what I live for.

In my overactive,and ridiculously over-thinking mind (notice I did not refer to my mind as brilliant or anything similar) I wonder time and again if my thoughts are unique to me or just run-of-the-mill, mundane and frivolous thoughts not worthy of brain space.   And unless you get down to brass tacks with someone, how do you know?  I guess, I guess.  I mean I guess, I think.  I'm the only person I know that can ramble on about nothing and everything and be less than expert on 99% of anything on any given day.  Some may consider this opinionated.  I, being perfectly honest, believe that there must be something of value in my opinions but all too often lack the confidence to argue my point.  If I do, consider yourself someone I've deemed my friend - someone with whom I risk total embarrassment.

I also know that a great percentage of the people I've been fortunate to meet in my daily travels have brought me something of value and a few offering significantly more that I have taken to heart and held dearly.  I learn something new every day and hope to always find enthusiasm in doing so.  I sometimes have the attention span of a three-year old child and thankfully, occasionally, hold the wonder of it all as well.

What on earth am I trying to say?  Merely this...snatch a part of each day and find value in it...offer up appreciation for what you have and know on some very basic level that the people that cross your path are meant to teach you something....sometimes all that is required is that we listen.

My attempts to listen now are paramount to my future, I believe.  I was laid off in May of this year, which ultimately has been a very big blessing thus far - there always seems to be a silver lining.  I've taken time to hone my resume and learn something from it.  It reads better than I ever would have expected.  The trouble with resumes is that they can only tell a small fraction of the story.  Looking acceptable on paper is, of course, a necessary evil in a job hunt.  But I am looking for so much more than a job...I want a place to go...even if it is to my upstairs office..where I relish the hours that I spend.  And I want to be somewhere that I am valued for my contributions.  I'll let you know when I find it.

I've encountered a new friend in my search this weekend.  Someone whose life has taken so many wonderful twists and turns, chances and risks, I would imagine, to get where he is today - living a life he hoped guess, without knowing him well at all, is that attitude played an enormous role in all of it.  Even having great talent does not promise that you will be revered and respected by your peers.  In fact, another designer I know fairly well has made quite a few enemies in the history of climbing the success ladder.

My hats off to someone I barely know.  Why give kudos to a relative stranger?  The answer is simple.

Because I can.

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