Monday, April 12, 2010

Marvelous Monday

I find ways to stretch the months in-between posts and normally when something noteworthy (at least to me) happens I always write about it somewhere.  Today is no different.  Today is special.  Why, you might ask?  Well, today, my new granddaughter is a week old and what a week it has been!  Easter Sunday, my oldest daughter went into labor and just an hour and a half after midnight the following day, delivered the world's most beautiful child.  Of course I'm biased but regardless, this is a child of grace and beauty.  She also has a set of lungs on her that will move a mountain, so even in her small, sweet state, I respect that about her and am not going to make her mad any time soon.  Besides, it gives me excuses to endlessly hold and rock her.

Her first day in this crazy world, she cried pretty much all day long - a test of patience on all around her but my poor daughter and son-in-law, exhausted from a long labor, were wondering what exactly they had gotten themselves into and where was the re-homing clause that one has with, say a cat?  Little sweet girl, wise obviously beyond her years, figured she had challenged the troops enough for a good while and the remainder of her first week, she was an angel.  I guess there is such a thing as a traumatic birth experience and baby Nora must have been working through that her first day with us.  She now does what any good little baby should - eats, sleeps, is in need of a diaper change or two and smiles what others say is just gas but Nana knows better.  This little genius baby girl is already smiling at me - you see, we already have our own language that we speak.  The language of sheer love and devotion and I already cannot imagine life without her.  I can hardly wait to bake cookies with her.  Isn't that what good grandmother's do?

I better start with my weight loss plan because I intend on eating plenty of cookie dough that little Nora makes...

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