Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday's Warblings

An early riser today, needing to be at the Pentagon for a private screening of ...are you ready...a new Sesame Street compilation about veterans returning home injured and the impact it has on the families. It was both heartwarming and heartbreaking to see the young children and what their thoughts were during this transitional time in their lives. Sesame Street has done a marvelous job of capturing the true-life stories of several families who were in the audience today. What tremendous strength it has taken for these families to thrive under circumstances they didn't choose. After yesterday's post, I was able to take my own advice and "thank a veteran".

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Shinseki was present and the key note speaker this morning...I finally had the opportunity to meet him. What a delightfully warm and intelligent gentleman. And after it was over finding my way back to the entrance was no easy feat. What a maze of space they have over there! It is very impressive, I must say. The final moment that tugged at my emotions was in reaching the security area where there are two enormous quilts commemorating September has photos of every person who died that day. Something came over me as I stared at that quilt. It is done in such a way as to look like the American Flag.

I was fortunate enough to have had a wonderful conference call with a mentor from the non-profit world who shared with me today some of his insights and successes. Having met him at the sponsorship conference I attended in Chicago last week, I very much feel I have found a new friend. His organization has a sponsorship model that really is remarkable and I know I can learn a great deal from him.

Heading home on Metro - yuck. To say that I am not a proponet of Metro is an understatement. Perhaps it was the 80 degree heat they had going. I thought I was going to die.

Twitterings all.

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