Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tintalating Tales

Wow, it has been a long time since my last post. And as is surprising to me always, I managed to capture the essence of what I was feeling in that last entry in a way that honored the experience. I continue to be grateful for many gifts I've been blessed with and many people in my life who love and respect me. Sometimes, like most, I wonder why.

I digress. How many times in our lives do we feel we are not deserving of the blessings we've been given? I know I am not a lone wolf in this feeling and yet am overwhelmed sometimes in the feeling that often represents itself in guilt. For what I do not know. I know I try my hardest at life and sometimes I fall so miserable short of where I want to land yet know that it is the journey that really is the goal. In that goal mirrors our paths whether or not taken willingly or pushed along by some force of nature (or a good friend who knows us better than we know ourselves) and we have no choice but to learn the lesson.

Or do we? How many times must we fail, fall, our bounce back from ourselves? I have long surpassed the nine lives theory and must be on my fifty-second effort toward fixing the same tired problem, at least. When do we learn our lessons? I am one that needs to be hard hit over and over to finally realize that I am the problem. Darned if I don't follow myself everywhere I go. I can move to a new house, find that fabulous new coat or get a trendy haircut and I'm still the same underneath. So I'd better enjoy my own company and respect myself enough to do the right things for the right reasons. In the long run, only I lose if I fail to act appropriately.

The lesson for me is to stay the course. And if necessary, make that mid-course correction to get back on track. Action works. Wallowing has not yet served me well.

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