Monday, February 15, 2010

The Day AFTER Valentine's Day

I have reasons for having never liking Valentine's Day but they aren't what you might think.  First, I despise the red/pink combinations that are ever-present in all stores and in all ways in the days leading up to that day.  Secondly and far more important to the topic, shouldn't there be 365 days of love in the world?  Instead of only one day dedicated to the ideal of love, let's work on the rest of the year starting with today - the day AFTER Valentine's Day.  And this way, nobody in one fell swoop can ever ruin it for you either. 

I believe that disappointments in life are a result of unrealized expectations.  I've learned to be simply surprised and then ultimately pleased when something good happens instead of always setting my sights too high.  It also allows me to be grateful for the experience, rather than disappointed that I didn't get what I somehow believed to be an entitled part of my life.  We create our experiences, and, as such, our disappointments.  But it takes fortitude to have the courage to give up on the expectation part of life. 

How often do we expect the perfect holiday, only to be disappointed when it did not happen, not only in the way we imagined, but in ways beyond our belief?  Wouldn't we all be better served to plan well, keep our mouths shut and learn to have gratitude the size of Mount Everest?  I work hard at attitude....sometimes not the positive kind but my resolutions have led me to believe that what won't kill you will truly make you stronger, learning from the experience is the only answer and moving forward - knowing that the past cannot be changed and regrets are a waste of time are our only choices. 

We get no do-overs in this life.