Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday....Ughh...

I've always wondered what the big deal is with Black Friday.  Is it really enjoyable to camp out in line (actually, I did this once for a house but we were warm and comfy on a conference room floor in a hotel, thank you and the result was a new house and pick of our lot) in below comfortable temperatures just to save a dime?  Truthfully the only reason I'd consider this is if my child had sat wide-eyed and giddy on that jolly old fella's lap and asked innocently for some toy that couldn't be found anywhere.  Only then would I brave the cold and the fearless. 

I remember back in high school, there was a once-yearly sale that would have landed me a suede coat at an amazing bargain price.  It turned out that my mother dragged my brother and me to my aunt's house for the weekend so we wouldn't be there on sale day and to surprise me, my boyfriend-turned husband-now ex after 24 years, chose to go, for me, as a surprise.  He barely came out alive with all the women and girls fighting him for the coat.  His mother ended up with it because after the vicious attacks, he was left with a size 12 - and I was more like a 2 so even though I tried hard to love it, you couldn't find me in it...The gesture was lovely and it certainly prepared me for later years and bargain hunting.  To this day, I won't go in for the kill. 
Today, against my will, I was dragged to Walmart, almost convinced that the pet crate I was about to purchase at Petsmart was going to be such a better price there.  Black Friday and WalMart are two words one should be placed in jail for even saying.  I knew we were in for trouble, just driving in circles in the parking lot.  Eventually, I got out and we did a Chinese firedrill of sorts, and my friend drove my car around while I went in.  He did find a space and joined me later but not soon enough to curb my bad attitude.  You couldn't manuever a cart, much less your body and finally making our way to the pet department, the items in question were more, not less, expensive than Petsmart's.  I shook my head in disgust because it goes against my religion in the first place to even step foot in Walmart and here I was, in the place of disdain, on Black Friday.

Needless to say, we left without purchase, which means we also left without incident.  I got out of there in the nick of time - before I embarrassed myself or him.  I truly hate that place.  I'm convinced they are not cheaper, just a perception they've marketed for nicely for themselves and there may be that one item that has been advertised to draw you in but once there you are in their tangled web of deceipt.  Prices are not cheaper...and many of the folks that shop there are not educated enough to realize that they might do okay on a few items but overall it is no great bargain.  Like I said, they have mastered marketing 101 and have convinced the American public they are the best game in town.

I say, with pride, that even if they were found to be cheaper, I'd avoid them anyway.  I'd rather pay more and stear clear of that place than get a bargain and come out hating life. 

Have I mentioned I hate Walmart and Black Friday?